As quoted by NASA, exercise on a rebounder (mini Tampoline) is “the most efficient and effective exercise yet devised by man”. It is an excellent, non-impact, aerobic exercise gained by bouncing on a mini-trampoline.
The benefits of exercising on a mini trampoline are astonishing and have been promoted significantly within the last decade.
It is a unique exercise in which a weightless state is achieved at the top of each jump and landing achieves twice the force of gravity on each bounce. This shift in gravity benefits every muscle and cell of the body and provides huge benefits to the lymph system.
On studying the benefits of rebounding, NASA found that a 150-pound individual spending one-hour on a rebounder will burn more calories than the same person jogging for an hour!
(information from NASA research -rebounding on mini tampoline)
關於NASA 在小型彈網上彈跳運動的研究報告所說:「在小型彈網上彈跳運動是人們認為最高效率及最有效的鍛鍊。」在小型彈網上彈跳是一種最卓越,對關節沒有壓力兼帶氧的好運動。
2008年11月27日 星期四
2008年11月1日 星期六
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